Living Grace Foursquare Church meets every Sunday at 8:30am and 10:30am in person and online. Our Sunday services include a Worship service, Biblical teaching, and classes for children and youth. Living Grace Foursquare Church wants you to feel welcome. We love people, and as you walk in the door, you will immediately experience our strong sense of love and inclusion towards all who enter our doors. We look forward to you being a part of the Living Grace family.
Latest Sermon
If you missed something, we have an archive of past sermons and series. It is the desire of our church that you partake of all the fantastic teachings that are presented here for you. So if you missed something, click below to get up to date.
We'd Love to see you
We do events for the strategic purpose of equipping the church, building unity, and being intentional about reaching out to the community that God has entrusted us with, and we would love for you to join us!
Meet our Pastor
Richie Box
Pastor Richie Box leads our church alongside his wife, Dawn. They have raised three children and have been ministering to God's people for over 30 years. They love serving God by loving and serving His people, and enjoy doing life together with each and every one of them.
FIRST Wednesdays
We set apart the first Wednesday of every month to fast and pray. You are invited to join us as we gather in the evening for an hour of community prayer. Due to our fireworks booth fundraiser, our next monthly night of prayer and worship will be postponed to Wednesday, July 10th at 6:30pm. In the meantime, please keep our fireworks booth fundraiser and those who are volunteering in prayer. Thank you!
About Us
Get to know more about what makes us different.
We believe that God has intentionally planted Living Grace Foursquare Church for a specific purpose. He has given the leaders of Living Grace the vision and authority to fulfill His purpose. The Vision and Purpose of Living Grace can be summarized in a single sentence: "TO LEAD PEOPLE INTO AUTHENTIC GROWING RELATIONSHIPS WITH JESUS CHRIST."