Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We believe that children should have a blast at church every single week and we make that a priority. Child safety is also a huge priority for Living Grace Foursquare Church, Because of that priority, we have an extensive check in procedure for Living Grace Children's ( infant to 5th grade) program the first time you visit. You will want to arrive ten minutes early to complete the check-in procedure. Living Grace Foursquare Church children's program is offered at every in person service for children infant through fifth grade.

Contact us
If you have young ones and you want to be in contact with our children's church director or just want to learn more about how we serve children then click below and we will get back to you.
Sunday Mornings
If you are an early riser then we have a service for you and for your children.
If a little later in the day helps you and your children arrive for church, we will be here for you.